PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

verstack 3.9.4 Machine learning tools to make a Data Scientist's work more efficient 2024-05-30 07:53:06
parfor 2024.5.1 A package to mimic the use of parfor as done in Matlab. 2024-05-28 14:38:14
jarvis-ui 2.3.1 Jarvis UI to perform voice commands via API calls 2024-05-27 03:52:36
thread 2.0.3 Threading module extension 2024-05-27 02:46:01
py-sharedmemory 1.0.0 Shared Memory Pipe for Fast Multiprocessing Data Sharing of Large Objects (>1MB) 2024-05-25 09:56:09
InterProcessPyObjects 1.0.7 This high-performance package delivers blazing-fast inter-process communication through shared memory, enabling Python objects to be shared across processes with exceptional efficiency 2024-05-14 02:41:45
movie-barcodes 0.2.0 Compress every frame of a movie in a single color barcode.Transform entire movies into stunning single-barcode visualizations.Capture the essence of cinematic storytelling through dominant color extraction from each frame. 2024-05-11 11:59:19
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